If you have earned an associate degree or taken courses from an NC community college, many of the credits you earned may count toward a four-year degree from any UNC System university. Do you have plans to extend your higher education career? Make the most out of your community college studies. Careful planning will help you proceed toward the completion of a four-year degree with efficiency and minimal cost.
Special Considerations for NC Community College Transfer Students
The UNC System and the NC Community College System have worked together to encourage more students to transfer into the University after completing their studies at the community college level. To this same end, individual UNC System institutions have also established unique partnerships with nearby community colleges.
These agreements make it easier than ever before for students to transition from community college into the UNC System. Nevertheless, you will need to plan carefully as you make arrangements to transfer. As you begin to think about transfer options, keep in mind the following points:
- Before transferring to a UNC System institution, some community college students finish an associate degree (AA, AS or AFA), while others may just take a few community college courses eligible to count as credit toward a four-year university degree. Completing an associate degree is highly recommended, but doing so is not required.
- Completion of an associate degree does not guarantee admission to a UNC System institution. Each university has unique entrance requirements and standards, so students are advised to pursue multiple options as they transition from community college into the UNC System.
- The UNC System grants students who earn an associate degree 60-61 credit hours and the status of “junior” upon acceptance at a constituent institution.
- Many institutions have “pathways,” called baccalaureate degree plans. Pathways make the transfer process more efficient. These plans differ from institution to institution, but every plan identifies the community college classes a student could take to satisfy prerequisites for upper-level courses in common majors. The links provided at the bottom of this page direct users to information about the degree plans and transfer policies at each UNC System institution.

How do I transfer to the UNC System from a NC Community College?
- Review the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA), a statewide agreement governing the transfer of credits between NC community colleges and the UNC System. The transfer course list explains which NC community college courses will be eligible to count as credits at all 16 universities in the UNC System.
- Review the admission requirements at the individual institutions you are considering; each institution’s requirements will vary.
- Review this list of active partnerships between individual community colleges and System institutions. In some cases, formal agreements have been established in order to facilitate transfer student success.
- Choose a baccalaureate degree plan using the links below. Finding and following an approved degree plan will help you plot your pathway toward graduation with efficiency. This will save you time and money. Mapping out a pathway in advance will help you focus on community college courses that will fulfill the prerequisites for the upper-level courses you’ll need at the university.
- Review the transfer course equivalencies at the institution you are transferring to. Even if you did not complete an associate degree, many of the courses you completed at the community college level will count toward your four-year degree.
- Fill out a free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and visit the Financial Aid office on the campus of your choice.
- If you have community college credit but didn’t complete an associate degree, the courses you take at a UNC System institution might also help you complete the requirements towards a two-year degree. Learn more about reverse transfer.
Keep in mind that these are general suggestions. We strongly encourage you to contact a transfer counselor and/or attend a transfer admission events at your chosen campus.
CAA Baccalaureate Degree Plans
The links below lead to each institution’s baccalaureate degree plans. These plans were developed to help students identify pathways that will lead them from associate degree completion, to admission into a major at a UNC System university, and finally to baccalaureate completion.
Baccalaureate degree plans aren’t in place for all majors at every institution. For institutions that do not have established degree plans, the links below will lead to the registrar’s office, where students can find more information about how to transfer credit and how to contact the transfer advisor.
Transfer Counselors
Campus | Name | Title | Phone Number | |
Appalachian State University | Jane Rex | Director, Office of Transfer Services | 828.262.2120 | rexjm@appstate.edu |
Appalachian State University | Selena Dollar | Asst. Director, Transfer Articulation | 828.262.2120 | dollarsr@appstate.edu |
Appalachian State University | Beth Watts | Transfer Transition Advisor | 828.262.2120 | wattsbl@appstate.edu |
Appalachian State University | Jayne Dowdy | Associate Director of Admissions | 828.262.7877 | dowdyyjl@appstate.edu |
East Carolina University | Joshua Dail | Veterans Affairs Coordinator | 252.328.1731 | dailj@ecu.edu |
East Carolina University | Jeffrey Netznik | Associate Director for Military Outreach | 252.737.2018 | netznikj@ecu.edu |
East Carolina University | Millicent Thomas | Online Learning Support Advisor | 252-328-9206 | online@ecu.edu |
East Carolina University | Erica Hoyt | Associate Director for Transfer Recruitment | 252.328.6640 | hoyte@ecu.edu |
Elizabeth City State University | Harold Murrill | Admissions/Transfer Counselor | 252.335.3307 | hhmurrill@mail.ecsu.edu |
Elizabeth City State University | Larry Wilson | Admissions / Transfer Counselor | 252.335.3307 | lawilson@ecsu.edu |
Elizabeth City State University | LaTonya Lewis Jones | Admissions / Transfer Counselor | 252.335.3307 | ldlewis@ecsu.edu |
Fayetteville State University | Jonathan Cobb | Assistant Director of Admission Transfers | 910.672.1010 | jmcobb@uncfsu.edu |
Fayetteville State University | Darnette Hall | Senior Assistant Director of Admissions | 910.672.1373 | dlhall01@uncfsu.edu |
Fayetteville State University | Brooke Vann | Admissions Counselor | 910.672.1376 | bvann@uncfsu.edu |
Fayetteville State University | R. Donte’ Wise | Senior Assistant Director of Admission/Transfer Coordinator | 910.672.1372 | rdwise01@uncfsu.edu |
North Carolina A&T State University | Jameia A. Tennie | Interim Director of Undergraduate Admissions | 336.285.4110 | jatennie@ncat.edu |
North Carolina A&T State University | Christopher Carico | Transfer Admissions Counselor | 336.285.4119 | cwcarico@ncat.edu |
North Carolina A&T State University | Essence Largent | Transfer Admissions Counselor | 336.285.4121 | ejlargen@ncat.edu |
North Carolina Central University | Denettia Shaw | Director of Transfer Services | 919.530.6687 | dshaw9@nccu.edu |
North Carolina Central University | Hepston H. Henry, II | Veterans Affairs Coordinator | 919.530.5312 | hhenryii@nccu.edu |
North Carolina Central University | Paul B. Phipps | Student Services Specialist | 919.530.6688 | pphipps@nccu.edu |
North Carolina State University | Taylor Holland | Associate Director of Admissions and Transfer Admissions Coordinator | 919.515.2434 | tahollan@ncsu.edu |
UNC Asheville | Grayson Randall | Transfer Admissions Counselor | 828.251.6334 | grandall@unca.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Melody Levy | Senior Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Andrew Parrish | Senior Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | August Armbrister | Admissions Counselor | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Hayes Boylston | Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Sloan Johnson | Admissions Counselor | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Heather May | Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Olivia Miller | Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Allee Olive | Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Rebecca Egbert | Senior Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Maria Rodriguez | Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Ni-Eric Perkins | Senior Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Madeline Snider | Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Brian Woodard | Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Rickita Worrell | Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC-Chapel Hill | Patty Haydon | Senior Assistant Director of Admissions | 919.966.3621 | unchelp@admissions.unc.edu |
UNC Charlotte | Barbara Seyter | Senior Associate Director (Undergraduate Admissions) | 704-687- 7281 | barbara.seyter@uncc.edu |
UNC Charlotte | Jami Dawkins | Assistant Director, Transfer Outreach (Undergraduate Admissions) | 704-687-1922 | jami.dawkins@uncc.edu |
UNC Charlotte | Lauren Grimes | Transfer Admissions Counselor (Undergraduate Admissions) | 704-687-7293 | lwils120@uncc.edu |
UNC Charlotte | Kaitlyn Kubacki | Transfer Admissions Counselor (Undergraduate Admissions) | 704-687-0297 | kkubacki@uncc.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Clay Alexander | Associate Director | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Kelly Caudle | Associate Director | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Nita Albrecht | Associate Director | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Josh Artrip | Senior Assistant Director | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Andre’ Hill | Senior Assistant Director | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Lindsey Kennedy | Assistant Director | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Sarah Griffin | Admissions Counselor | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Matthew McKay | Admissions Counselor | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Michael Clinton | Admissions Counselor | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Angie Moore | Student Services Coordinator | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Greensboro | Kacy S. McAdoo | Senior Associate Director | 336.334.5243 | admissions@uncg.edu |
UNC Pembroke | Amber Dial | Data Coordinator | 910.521.6302 | amber.dial@uncp.edu |
UNC Pembroke | Engle Revels | Associate Director of Admissions | 910.521.6369 | engle.revels@uncp.edu |
UNC Wilmington | Micah Jarrett | Transfer Admission Coordinator | 910.962.2550 | jarrettm@uncw.edu |
UNC Wilmington | Cassidy Bailey | Transfer Admission Coordinator | 910.962.7324 | baileycb@uncw.edu |
UNC Wilmington | Jessica Horne | Assistant Director of Transfer Admission | 910.962.4096 | hornej@uncw.edu |
UNC Wilmington | Jo Hannah Fitzwater | Transfer Admission Coordinator | 910.962.7038 | fitzwaterj@uncw.edu |
UNC Wilmington | Erica Bowen | Transfer Admission Coordinator | 910.962.2096 | bowene@uncw.edu |
UNC Wilmington | Karla Blanton | Assistant Director of Transfer Admission | 910.962.7127 | blantonk@uncw.edu |
UNC Wilmington | Emilee Farnes | Transfer Admission Coordinator (Onslow Campus) | 910.938.6736 | farnese@uncw.edu |
UNC Wilmington | Nile McKibben | Transfer Admission Coordinator (Camp Lejune) | 910.450.5507 | mckibbenn@uncw.edu |
Western Carolina University | Heather Hill | Senior Assistant Director of Admission | 828.227.3170 | hchill@wcu.edu |
Western Carolina University | Emily Bingham | Transfer Counselor | 828.227.2672 | ebingham@wcu.edu |
Western Carolina University | Hannah Scott | Transfer Counselor | 828.227.2687 | hfharper@wcu.edu |
Western Carolina University | Keri Clark | Transfer Counselor | 828.227.2680 | kclark@wcu.edu |
Winston-Salem State University | Marquita Graves | Associate Registrar | 336.750.8697 | gravesmj@wssu.edu |
Winston-Salem State University | Chenetta Mallette | Assistant Registrar | 336.750.3336 | mallettecd@wssu.edu |
Winston-Salem State University | Kerwin Graham | Director of Admissions | 336.750.2078 | grahamkw@wssu.edu |