Students and their families didn’t just receive some popsicles to help cool down at East Carolina University’s orientation. They also got assurances that if they can’t seem to hit their stride academically in the fall, help is right around the corner.
“High school didn’t prepare us for anything in a college classroom,” he said, citing fast-talking professors, fast-moving lectures and classes where no one knows your name. “That was the biggest gut-punch.”
But a professor in COAD 1000, the first-year seminar class, saw the potential in David, a 4.0-GPA student in high school, and referred him to the PASC. There, he got involved in the Male Achievement Crew, a non-residential learning community that’s helping students improve their grades and stay in college.
Originally published June 22, 2018. Written by Doug Boyd. Photo by Rhett Butler.