Fayetteville State University’s Chancellor, Dr. James Anderson, renowned entrepreneur Brian Hamilton, and Retired Maj. Gen. Rodney O. Anderson, announced the launch of a new, innovative Veteran Entrepreneur Partnership between Fayetteville State University (FSU) and the Brian Hamilton Foundation.
The Veteran Entrepreneur Partnership will provide advanced teaching, mentoring and support to assist transitioning veterans, military spouses and the FSU student entrepreneur community. The program’s objective is to provide the essential skills and knowledge needed to improve the business startup success rate.
Fayetteville State University is located at the doorstep of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the largest military installation in the world. Fort Bragg is home to more than 50,000 active duty personnel and over 7,000+ transitioning Veterans each year.
“Fayetteville State University is always looking for new and innovative ways to support and assist our Veteran population,” stated Dr. James Anderson, Chancellor of Fayetteville State University. “We are pleased to partner with the Brian Hamilton Foundation to provide resources for Veterans, military spouses and students as they seek to become entrepreneurs.”
The innovative program will bring entrepreneur Brian Hamilton to campus as Fayetteville State University’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) and the Distinguished Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship.
Originally published Feb. 20, 2019.