The arrival of spring brings with it the beginning of a new chapter in the planning for NCSSM-Morganton. Kevin Baxter, director of western campus planning for North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, announced the formation of two new steering teams that will focus on external engagement and campus operations Morganton. In both cases, the teams comprise diverse people representing the institution, the UNC System, K-12 and higher education, business and industry, and governments throughout western North Carolina.
The External Engagement Steering Team will advise and inform NCSSM-Morganton planning through the development of strategic initiatives aimed at building a robust and inclusive community of champions and benefactors. This work will particularly address the need for an additional $20 million to support the construction of the campus to meet the vision laid out in the master plan. NCSSM is committed to raising $5 million in private support while advocating for $15 million in state appropriations for the capital construction needs of the new campus, scheduled to open in 2021.
Robin Nicholson, government and community relations district manager for Duke Energy, is one of 15 members named to the external engagement steering team. “Education, and especially STEM education, of our future leaders is a process we must begin now,” she says. “Expanding NCSSM to Burke County is a significant step for education, the economy, our citizens of North Carolina, and the overall health of this area. Duke Energy is honored to be a strong participant in the planning and development of this expansion and looks forward to working with all students and leadership of this campus.”
Originally published April 12, 2018.