The Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center trains students to become leaders in the fields of peace building and conflict resolution. For most of his life, the only place Mohammed Eid knew of was the small Palestinian refugee camp where he grew up. As a boy, he had never seen a swimming pool, a baseball field or a movie theater.
Now a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Eid is working to find solutions to the refugee crisis he experienced firsthand.
“I came to Carolina with a purpose: to find out how we can make humanitarian aid more effective for refugees and displaced people because they are my people,” he said. “They are my family.”
Eid is among nearly 150 students who have pursued master’s degrees in global conflict resolution through the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center, a collaboration between UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke University and international service organization Rotary. The center, one of only six in the world, prepares students to become peace builders in conflict zones across the globe.
Originally published July 6, 2018. Written by Emilie Poplett.
Written by Emilie Poplett.