CHAPEL HILL, NC – The University of North Carolina System Presidential Search Committee has released a position profile that outlines the ideal qualities and characteristics the committee is seeking for the next UNC System President. The document frames the role and its ‘portrait’ of the ideal candidate within the context of the System’s mission, history, accomplishments, challenges and its ongoing Strategic Plan. Anyone with a vested interest in the UNC System is encouraged to view the document here.
“This is a significant step in this very important process,” said search committee co-chairs Randy Ramsey and Wendy Murphy. “What we have sought and, we believe, have achieved so far is an open, transparent and collaborative search to help identify the best person to lead the UNC System. The intensive work to gather public input highlights how this committee views the search for the next President as a statewide collaborative process.”
The UNC System Presidential Search Committee is currently undertaking a national search to identify ideal candidates for the position. Co-Chairs Randy Ramsey and Wendy Murphy announced on August 2, 2019, that Kim Strach would serve as director of the committee. The Board of Governors of the UNC System also named co-chairs and members to serve on both the Presidential Search Committee and the Presidential Assessment and Advisory Committee that same day.
The committee has sought to conduct the search in collaboration with the many stakeholders and groups representing the institutions and affiliates within the UNC System. A total of 17 listening sessions were conducted across the state, beginning in August and ending in December. The committee received over 8,000 responses to the surveys conducted over a two-month period. Through these efforts, the committee has gathered input and feedback from the many stakeholders, including students, staff, faculty, alumni, administrators and community leaders.
“The important feedback and survey responses the committee has received will help to highlight an accurate portrait of desired candidates for the position of UNC System President,” Strach said. “At the same time, the committee will preserve candidate confidentiality so as to encourage all interested parties to apply. I am very enthusiastic about how the search process has played out so far, and am hopeful about what is to come.”
Candidates interested in applying for the position, or those who know an ideal candidate, can send a resume and cover letter to The UNC System’s website, which contains information on the timeline for the search, and other information, can be accessed here.