Tiffany Campbell ’13, ’15 M.Ed. discovered a world of ideas at UNCW, and now she is helping a new generation of Seahawks do the same through her work with the Upperman African American Cultural Center.
“I couldn’t imagine being in a job that doesn’t affect people in a realistic way,” she said. “For me, it’s a blessing to be in a field where my job is to care about people, their story and their daily struggles, not just their productivity or their quantifiable value.”
Campbell is the pre-professional and mentorship program coordinator at the Upperman Center, joining the center in December 2017. Her role gives her a unique opportunity to engage with students in a space that is comfortable for them.
“The comfort is a big deal because it means that when students come into the center they aren’t coming into an office or workspace, they’re entering a place that they feel they can be authentic,” said Campbell, who earned a bachelor’s degree in finance and a master’s degree in higher education at UNCW.
Originally published January 23, 2018.