Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) broke ground on a $53.3 million sciences building during a ceremony on Friday, Sept. 15.
“We’ve been waiting for this building for a very long time,” said Elwood L. Robinson, WSSU’s chancellor. “I know many of our science faculty have been waiting for it, and they are elated and delighted because they know that it will set a new standard for science, give our students an opportunity to have wonderful experiences in the laboratory, give our professors an opportunity to have state-of the-art facilities where they can continue to do their research. So, this is a very special day for us.”
The building, one of the first funded through the NC Connect Bond approved by voters last year, was first conceived in 2006.
“Having this wonderful new facility will help to contribute to the growth of our economy,” said Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines. “We’re betting on science and technology as a key part of the growth of our economy. We see an opportunity to create jobs. We are trying to create an entrepreneur ecosystem here in our community and having graduates that would come out of Winston-Salem State University would help us to fuel that and drive that.”
State Sen. Paul Lowe Jr., Rep. Evelyn Terry, Winston-Salem Council Member Derwin Montgomery and Dr. William Harris ’58, WSSU’s Board of Trustees chair, also offered remarks during the ceremony.
Originally published Sept. 15, 2017.