Go Global NC connects North Carolina and the world. Since 1979, Go Global NC’s international education and training programs have empowered North Carolina leaders with the skills, understanding, connections, and knowledge to succeed in a global community. Go Global NC was formerly known as the Center for International Understanding.


China Programs

With China’s emergence as world economic powerhouse and strong Chinese business presence in North Carolina, students who study Chinese culture, language, and history will be in a stronger position and able to take advantage of global opportunities within North Carolina, the United States, and the rest of the world.
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Global Teachers

Go Global NC’s Global Teachers program provides professional development to K-12 teachers through an in-depth learning experience about the history, culture, and environment of other countries. Programs begin in the spring with an orientation workshop, followed by a 10- to 14-day international immersive learning experience abroad in the summer. In the fall, an action-planning workshop creates a platform for collaboration and creativity to ensure teachers are prepared to share their global experiences in their classrooms.
Learn More About Global Teachers Program

Latino Initiative

Go Global NC’s Latino Initiative provides year-long professional development programs to business, community, education, and policy leaders from across North Carolina. Leaders develop a fresh approach to understand and take action to address challenges and opportunities in North Carolina’s increasingly diverse communities.
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