In 2013, the UNC Campus Security Initiative was launched to study System-level coordination of security and student safety efforts at our 17 institutions.
Throughout higher education, concerns about sexual assault and other violent crimes, campus security, and crime reporting have become topics of a national conversation. Campus police chiefs, attorneys, student affairs professionals, counselors, medical and mental health professionals, faculty, provosts, Title IX coordinators, students, and others devoted considerable time and expertise to this important work. The Campus Security Initiative released its final report in July 2014. The report includes 26 findings and offers a blueprint for continuous improvement. Read the Campus Security Initiative Final Report.
At present, Institution leaders, students, and staff continue taking part in safety and security conversations, and they are working to raise awareness of and help address the threat posed to our communities by sexual assault and other violent crimes.
Read more about Campus Safety and Clery Reporting of crime statistics.