Graduates of two of Winston-Salem State University’s (WSSU) signature graduate programs – physical therapy and occupational therapy – continue to excel on their national licensing exams, receiving 100 percent passage rates on their required licensure exams for 2017.
For the second consecutive year, graduates of WSSU’s doctoral program in physical therapy received a perfect 100 percent passage rate on their national licensure exams, the program recently learned.
Of the 27 WSSU December graduates who took the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE), a requirement to become a licensed physical therapist, all passed on their first attempt. Also, their average scores (709) once again were significantly higher than the national average (678).
Dr. Lynn Millar, chair of the Department of Physical Therapy, said she attributes the success to “a very progressive, deliberate approach” to prepare students for the exam. A big component of this is a board prep course.
Originally published April 20, 2018.