Stratifyd, a tech startup founded at UNC Charlotte, will expand its operations and add at least 200 jobs and move to a new 30,000-square-foot office located within an opportunity zone in Charlotte’s FreeMoreWest neighborhood.

The announcement was made by officials from the city of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County at a news conference at UNC Charlotte Center City.

Stratifyd is one of the fastest-growing tech firms in Charlotte, having doubled its number of employees during the past 12 months; it has a customer base primarily made of Fortune 1500 companies.

The firm was launched in 2015 by former UNC Charlotte professor Derek Wang ’11 Ph.D., and two students, Li Yu ’12 Ph.D., and Thomas Kraft, as government-funded research on the ways augmented intelligence could ingest, analyze and visualize structured and unstructured data.

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Originally published Oct. 31, 2019.