The Summer Undergraduate Research Program is underway for the fourth consecutive year at Western Carolina University.
The program is an initiative overseen by the university’s Honors College and the Office of the Provost, and is open to all WCU undergraduates. To be considered for the program, current students interested in participating had to identify a faculty member with whom they wished to collaborate and submit a proposal describing their research project and its goals during January and February. Students selected to participate had their proposals reviewed by a committee of faculty representatives from each college on campus.
To be selected to participate is a great accomplishment, said WCU undergraduate research coordinator and program organizer Kloo Hansen, as only 10 students and their faculty mentors were chosen out of 21 submitted proposals, a record number for the program. This year’s participants represent every college on campus with a wide variety of research topics to be investigated.
Originally published June 6, 2019.