Hanan Alexandra (Alex) Hsain, a junior majoring in materials science and engineering at North Carolina State University, has just been selected as one of 62 recipients of the renowned Truman Scholarship, which funds graduate studies for individuals committed to public service leadership.
Hsain, 21, of Colonial Heights, Virginia, plans to use the award to earn a PhD in electrical materials engineering and address the national security threats posed by climate change by working as a scientific advisor to policymakers.
The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation was established in 1975 as a living memorial to the nation’s 33rd president and invests in the education and professional development of undergraduate Americans. In addition to up to $30,000 for graduate education, Truman Scholars are offered summer internships in Washington D.C., mentoring opportunities, and placement in public service jobs.
Original story by author ‘acgallop’ and published on April 13, 2017.